F.A.Q | current weather
Q: What areas of Hepburn Shire might find this site handy?
The weather station is located at Mount Prospect at an elevation of 576m. The following towns are closest (within 0-10km) to the weather
station: Blampied, Dean, Eganstown, Kingston, Korweinguboora, Langdons Hill,
Leonards Hill, Mollongghip, Mount Prospect, Newlyn, Newlyn North, Rocklyn, Sailors Falls
Within 10 to 15km: Allendale, Bolwarra, Bullarook, Clarkes
Hill, Claretown, Creswick, Daylesford, Hepburn, Hepburn Springs, Musk,
Pootilla, Smeaton, Spargo Creek, Springbank, Wattle Flat
The closest
Bureau of Meteorology operated weather station for most of Hepburn Shire is
Ballarat Airport at an elevation of 437m
Q: How do I save the weather site as an icon on my
iPhone or iPad ?
A: Follow these instructions!
Click here for instructions
Technical Stuff
The Mount Prospect weather station is manufactured by Davis Instruments USA and supplied by Davis
Instruments Australia. The original weather station was installed in 2015 and replaced with more modern equipment in November 2024.
It is fitted with an array of sensors to measure rain fall, wind
speed & direction, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure and temperature.
Data is collected every minute. Observation history data is stored every 15 minutes.
For a brief history of Mount Prosepect
click here MP Weather historical rainfall data is gratefully acknowledged by Barney Clohesy who collected rainfall data for the area and posted it on the local Swiss Mountain pub's door.
Legal Stuff: reasonable efforts are taken to publish and
transmit weather data on a continuous and timely basis, but not guarenteed. This site is not
responsible for any failure or malfunction in communications; for
any failure or refusal of any third party transmission intermediaries to
transmit any data; or for the failure to transmit any data resulting from
any natural disasters or other events beyond our control.
Thanks to RNS Fonts for the Creative Commons Licence for the weather icons.